Did you know there is a specific brand of clothing in Mexico that will delight you? To, as they say, no end? If you are the kind of person who loves robot related content?:
Dan, being dramatic:
Did you not think those choral things were creepy?:
Jokes. Endless jokes.:
We are spending the day at a delightful bar in Cozamel with free internet, swimming, and drinks that are lethal jet fuel bathtubs. Ashley is trolling around saying "WE ARE NOT WITH OUR FAMILIES" and demanding a bunch of hugs, but hates the idea of secret santa. I can discuss this because I can point out to her that this is a deep flaw in her character, which I will accept, provided I can make jokes about how she is spiritually empty. Also, I got her something anyway, so I win. Unfortunately, I got everyone else Reese's items in Miami, which was 3 days ago, which means I ate them.
We are all telling family stories and having a kind of random and bizarre emotional time together. Ashley just got a balloon hat from someone that has two balloon poodles...doing it. Obviously. From where I am sitting, I can see a guy who works in the store and has a pencil thin mustache, and I do not think it is a joke. He also keeps his head totally bald. I need to start pretending I am doing a documentary so I can get these people in a digital medium.
I am downloading Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas, and everything will make sense.
1 comment:
Pictures! I am so happy to see pictures! weeeee
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