Monday, September 29, 2008

A Cappella and Led Zeppelin

I got to talk to the a cappella guys more, most of them are right out of college. One guy just graduated in May so he’ll smile really widely and then aggressively compose his face, which is delightful. I asked him how they all got together, he told me a story I clearly found way too funny.

After he graduated, he went to work at the new Hard Rock Café Theme Park (????) in Myrtle Beach, Florida, singing a cappella. I said “wait, what? Theme park? What?” and he said, yeah, there are like Led Zeppelin roller coasters and all this stuff. This is completely insane and true and there are videos on YouTube. Apparently the theme park did not take off very well and that during the soft opening, no one came “like not even the locals or anything. There was just no one.” He said for the first half of the summer they did a cappella versions of Jimmi Hendrix and Journey, but that didn’t work too well, so they switched to a different section of the park and did do wop.

We are one the outskirts of Hurricaine Kyle, so you roll all over your bed and feel like your intestines are inflamed, if you are me. We have to tender at Martha’s Vineyard, and we’ve only made it once out of 3 trips due to weather.

Last night I met the first American bar waiter. He is a guy with funky blonde hair from Atlanta. He was completely amazed at the hours he is expected to work (70), to the point that he faked sick for 2 days and hung out in the sick bay watching some basketball (football? Georgia v. someone?) game. He said about 4 times that “my recruiter lied to me” and that he is going to quit this weekend and this week plans to just “break all the rules all week.” He has had a negative experience with the Filipino mafia (no blanket, buttons, or the right size shoes), which I didn’t realize exits, but if you know the right people, your life is instantly easier—some of the YCs couldn’t get their toilet fixed through all the usual channels, until their in worked it out for them. This guy may have had a negative experience because he was very confused that I was drinking club soda and wanted to know “so how dirty is the ship. I mean really. Because I’ve heard stories.” So we told him some more, but no one really wanted to participate in creepy bed swapping with him.

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