Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Power Shuffleboard and Random Information

I quietly laid out where it seemed to be safe because there was shuffleboard and those big versions of chess. And an old guy with a huge stomach and thin legs and a very deep tan reading a book. And by laid out I mean sat in my clothes and tried not to burn and read a book. This was fine until two 6 or 7 year olds decided to play demolition shuffleboard which I did not think was possible. This is how you play it: You get the pole thing that you quietly use to push the metal discs. Then you push the pellets as hard as possible, then you yell a lot, then you run down to the pellets which are all over the place, then you get them together and get in an argument about who goes first and then you do it again and when you hit the other guy’s pellet you say “OOOOH!” The old guy with the huge stomach and I stared daggers at the 6 or 7 year olds and told them to stop it with our minds and sighing. Then two 30 year olds went to the life sized chess board and flung the giant pieces from the container to the board. There are a lot of chess pieces. It is relatively quiet and game-free on the helipad, which is under the trail of diesel smoke.

Random item:

Cruise staff has to do parties every cruise. The same parties every cruise. This means that there are very very energetic Filipino gentlemen, South Africans, and one Ukranian that say “MAKE SOME NOOOO-OOOISE!” Weird.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Megankellie, I love reading your blogs. I laugh and laugh... I miss you and cannot wait to talk with you when you are back on solid ground! :)